Sunday, July 28, 2013

Here's to a new beginning!

Well here we go!  I'm really doing it this time.  Nothing is holding me back.  My goal with this robot is to have him be able to answer any question you may have and think on his own.  I want him to move on his own, think on his own, and understand what you tell him.  Here's to the next age of robots!  His name will be Butler, a completely autonomous AI robot.

I have a really good laptop, a toolbox for all the stuff I'll be getting over time, and the starting setup to begin.  Below is what I got in this past week:

- Asus Ultrabook Aluminum Intel Core i3 1.8GHz, 4GB DDR3 Memory, Windows 8
- Arduino Mega 2560 Microcontroller
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
- Light Brightness Sensors
- 400 point breadboard
- 12V AA battery holder
- 2.1mm DC pigtail power plug

I have downloaded Arduino from and have it installed already on the new laptop.  I plan to just test out the sensors are start working with the programming.  I'll post my findings tomorrow.  Wish me luck!

- DM

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